Electric module designed to heat water for sanitary purposes. It can be installed in any tank, both vertical and horizontal, with a suitable ... > More
Storage tanks series .81 PC are devices equipped with a spiral coil with an increased heating surface, designed especially for cooperation with heat ... > More
Mega Solar series storage tanks (with two coils) are designed for heating and storing of domestic hot water in systems with two sources of heat, ... > More
The Mega series storage tanks operate in a vertical position, they are designed to heat and store domestic hot water in cooperation with all ... > More
The Mega series storage tanks are designed for storing domestic hot water. Very good accumulative properties of these devices are one o their ... > More
Non-pressure capacitive water heaters mounted above the sink are an optimal solution for one-point systems. Installation directly at the water ... > More
Tank heaters mounted under the sink are modern and ergonomic devices for quick water heating. The offered capacities are 5 and 10 litres. They ... > More
VIKING series pressure heaters are devices that can supply hot water to several intake points. The tank is protected against the corrosion by ... > More
K-2 LCD instantaneous water heaters are modern and economic solutions for heating hot water. Those devices are three-phase, pressurized, supplying ... > More
KASKADA instantaneous water heaters are modern and economic solutions for heating hot water. Those devices are three-phase, pressurized, supplying ... > More
K-2 Electronic instantaneous water heaters are modern and economic solutions for heating hot water. Those devices are three-phase, pressurized, ... > More
Instantaneous heaters from the OSKAR series are a modern and economical solution to heating warm water. To supply hot water for one intake ... > More
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