Trójfazowe KASKADA

Instantaneous electric water heaters

Three-phase KASKADA

KASKADA instantaneous water heaters are modern and economic solutions for heating hot water. Those devices are three-phase, pressurized, supplying several points of water intakes devices with hydraulic control.

  • energy efficiency class A (according to the ErP Directive)
  • available powers:  12, 18, 21 i 24 kW 
  • hydraulic control
  • two levels of power controls
  • thermal off-switch that protects the device from overheating
  • lamp signalizing work of the device
  • heater enables connection of several hot utility water intake points
  • possibility to lead out of the connection pipes into the wall (standard version) or downwards (after adding an accessory)

General information

KASKADA 2 instantaneous water heaters are modern and economic solutions for heating hot water. Those devices are three-phase, pressurized, supplying several points of water intakes devices with hydraulic control. They are available in 4 versions: 12, 18, 21, 24 kW. This allows you to choose the right heater depending on the demand for hot water.

OP – 12.04hydraulic control
OP – 18.04hydraulic control
OP – 21.04hydraulic control
OP – 24.04hydraulic control


K-2 Electronic is designated to quick water heating for sanitation purposes. It can be installed wherever there are water (0,2 – 0,6 MPa) and electricity supply (3-phase power supply is required). It can supply several water intake points at the same time.

The heater is economical to use since its energy consumption (the number of heaters switched ON) adjusts automatically to the amount of water consumed and the set heating range. Good energy efficiency parameters of this water heaters series are achieved thanks to two heating ranges. The temperature of the hot water leaving the heater depends on the inlet water temperature, the flow rate and the set power.

In summer, when the water in the system has a temperature of about 15 °C, we recommend the use of the range I. In winter, when the temperature of the water in the system drops below 10 °C, we recommend the use of the range II.

Depending on the demand for hot water, we can choose either a 12, 18, 21 or 24 kW water heater.

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