Zasobniki serii Mega

Vertical storage tanks


The Mega series storage tanks operate in a vertical position, they are designed to heat and store domestic hot water in cooperation with all types of boilers (oil, gas or solid fuel boilers).

  • available capacities 100, 125, 150, 220 i 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000 liters
  • fully demountable casing and thermal insulation enables easy transport
  • temperature gauge enables the read and control of the domestic hot water temperature in the tank
  • a large heating surface and the appropriate shape of the coil, ensure high efficiency of hot-coil and even temperature distribution in the tank


General information

Mega series reservoirs are designed to heat and store of domestic hot water in cooperation with boilers. Tanks are characterised by good insulation properties and large, strong coils.

W – E 100.81Spiral coil100
W – E 125.81Spiral coil125
W – E 150.81Spiral coil150
W – E 220.81Spiral coil220
W – E 300.81Spiral coil300

Zasobniki serii Mega wymiary

Mega Storage Tanks N series

W – E 400.81NStorage tank with coil400
W – E 500.81NStorage tank with coil500
 W – E 750.81NStorage tank with coil 750
W – E 1000.81NStorage tank with coil 1000

Zasobniki serii Mega

The Mega series storage tanks operate in a standing position, they are designed for heating and storing hot water for utility purposes in cooperation with all types of boilers (for oil, gas or solid fuels). They are available in capacities from 100 to 1000 litres. A wide range of products allows for optimal dimensioning of tanks depending on the demand for hot water. Very good storage properties of these devices are ensured by special polystyrene EPS200 insulation.

Containers are protected against corrosion with ceramic enamel and magnesium anode. The storage tanks have a plastic casing, a temperature gauge and connectors for a domestic hot water circulation circuit, and installing an electric heating module. Modules with the power of 1.5 kW, 2.0 kW, 4.0 kW, 4.5 kW, 12 kW and 18 kW are available.

Warranty for enamelled tank – 60 months.

Technical data

MEGA 100 – 300L

W-E 100.81W-E 125.81W-E 150.81W-E 220.81 W-E 300.81
Energy efficiency class*CCCCC
Standing loss*W5564697884
Storage capacity*l96118144211279
Coil capacitym20,751,151,151,31,6
Coil power**70/10/45 °C***kW1424,224,22526
Coil efficiency** 70/10/45 °C***l/h360625625630640
Max. operating pressure of the tankbar6
Max. operating pressure of the coilbar16
Max. temperature of the tank°C85
Max. temperature of the coil°C110
Corrosion protectionceramic enamel + magnesium anode
Anode connectorcal3/4″1″/M8
Anode sizemmØ21×510Ø21×590Ø21×700Ø21×900Ø21×700
* According to European Commission Regulation (EU) 812/2013, 814/2013
* At the heating medium flow rate equal to 2,5 m3/h
**  Heating medium temperature / supply water temperature / and hot water temperature
*** Under the condition of regular magnesium anode replacement (At least once every 18 months).
W-E 100.81W-E 125.81 W-E 150.81W-E 220.81W-E 300.81
Heating module connector[cal]D1 1/4″ Gw2051 1/4″ Gw2051 1/4″ Gw2051 1/4″ Gw2491 1/2″ Gw336
Temperature gauge pocket [mm]GØ10 wewn.608Ø10 wewn.772Ø10 wewn.944Ø10 wewn.1429Ø10 wewn.1346
Cold water intlet [cal]H3/4″ Gz823/4″ Gz823/4″ Gz823/4″ Gz1181″ Gz167
Coil outlet[cal]I3/4″ Gz1993/4″ Gz1993/4″ Gz1993/4″ Gz2131″ Gz336
Heating module connector [mm]JØ10 wewn.351Ø10 wewn.439Ø10 wewn.443Ø16 wewn.453Ø10 wewn.558
Coil inlet [cal]K3/4″ Gz5043/4″ Gz6793/4″ Gz6793/4″ Gz6931″ Gz840
Hot water circulation connector[cal]M3/4″ Gz5843/4″ Gz5993/4″ Gz7593/4″ Gz12583/4″ Gz1187
Heating module connector [mm]OØ16 wewn.1158Ø16 wewn.1107
Water outlet dimension [cal]S3/4″ Gz7243/4″ Gz8883/4″ Gz10603/4″ Gz14751″ Gz1398

Zasobniki serii Mega dane techniczne

MEGA 400 – 1000L ( .N series)

 W-E 400.81N  W-E 500.81N  W-E 750.81N  W-E 1000.81N
Energy efficiency class*CCCC
Standing loss*W9498125138
Storage capacity* l372476718960
Coil capacity m21,62,132,742,74
Coil power**70/10/45°C*** kW263444,5 44,5
Coil efficiency**70/10/45°C*** l/h64085511001100
Maksymalne ciśnienie wężownicy bar 16
Max. operating pressure of the tankbar 10
Max. temperature of the coil°C110
Max. temperature of the tank°C85
Anode connector cal1 1/4″
Anode sizemmØ33×720Ø33×1100
Corrosion protection emalia ceramiczna + anoda magnezowa (odizolowana)
Weight kg130156230260
Guarantee years5****
* According to European Commission Regulation (EU) 812/2013, 814/2013
* At the heating medium flow rate equal to 2,5 m3/h
**  Heating medium temperature / supply water temperature / and hot water temperature
*** Under the condition of regular magnesium anode replacement (At least once every 18 months).
 W-E 400.81NW-E 500.81NW-E 750.81NW-E 1000.81N
Inspection opening [mm]DØ120323Ø120337Ø180541Ø180576
Heating module connector [cal]E1 1/2″ Gw9131 1/2″ Gw9672″ Gw10912″ Gw1126
Temperature gauge pocket [mm]GØ10 wewn.1323Ø10 wewn.1477Ø10 wewn.1621Ø10 wewn.1656
Cold water inlet [cal]H1″ zewn.1751″ zewn.1881 1/4″ Gz1831 1/4″ Gz203
Coil outlet[cal]I1″ zewn.2741″ zewn.2881″ Gz4771″ Gz512
Temperature sensor pocket [mm]JØ16 wewn.373Ø16 wewn.387Ø16 wewn.601Ø16 wewn.636
Coil inlet [cal]K1″ zewn.7531″ zewn.8051″ Gz9211″ Gz956
Hot water circulation connector [cal]M3/4″ Gz11653/4″ Gz13021″ Gz11311″ Gz1166
Temperature sensor pocket [mm]NØ16 wewn.1095Ø16 wewn.1234Ø16 wewn.1390Ø16 wewn.1421
Cold water outlet [cal]O1″ zewn.14171″ zewn.15451 1/4″ Gz17161 1/4″ Gz1766

Zasobniki serii Mega przekrójZasobniki przekrój

          W-E 400-500.81 N                                                                        W-E 750-1000.81 N


Przesuń w lewo

Nazwa plikuRozmiarIlość pobrańPobierzPodgląd
ikona pobierz Instrukcja montażu i eksploatacji zasobników MEGA W-E 220-1000.81 N913ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz Instrukcja obsługi i montażu zasobników MEGA W-E 220-300.81514ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz Deklaracja zgodności zasobników MEGA i MEGA SOLAR252.82 KB142ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz Atest higieniczny - zbiorniki emaliowane OWE, ZE, WE, BUZ o pojemności 5-1000 l117.17 KB113ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 100.81 Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB45ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 100.81 Karta produktu172.14 KB156ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 125.81 Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB46ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 125.81 Karta produktu171.94 KB115ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 150.81 Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB83ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 150.81 Karta produktu172.38 KB261ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 220.81 Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB80ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 220.81 Karta produktu171.82 KB214ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 300.81 Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB45ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 300.81 Karta produktu172.37 KB129ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 400.81N Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB20ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 400.81N Karta produktu172.61 KB70ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 500.81N Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB37ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 500.81N Karta produktu172.87 KB99ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 750.81N Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB24ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 750.81N Karta produktu171.79 KB61ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 1000.81N Etykieta energetyczna886.46 KB47ikonaikona do pobrania
ikona pobierz MEGA W-E 1000.81N Karta produktu172.47 KB133ikonaikona do pobrania

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