
Solar systems

Hevelius SCM – vacuum tube collectors

A characteristic feature of HEVELIUS SCM collectors is the use of Heat-Pipe technology.

  • heat-pipe (heat pipe located inside the collector tube)
  • double-wall vacuum glass tubes
  • low flow resistance of the working medium
  • long lifetime of the collector pipes
  • optimal energy efficiency throughout the year
  • supporting central heating installation
  • possibility of connecting up to 6 collectors in one battery
  • the highest quality of solar collectors is confirmed by the Solar KEYMARK certificate
  • 5-year warranty

General information

Cechą charakterystyczną kolektorów HEVELIUS SCM jest zastosowanie technologii Heat-Pipe (rurki ciepła).

It consists in heating of the lower end of the copper pipe placed inside the collector, which causes evaporation of the liquid taking up heat. The steam is transferred to the upper, colder part of the pipe, where it condenses on the cooler walls, giving off the heat. Then the condensed liquid flows gravitationally to the lower, warmer part. The efficiency of heat transfer by convection combined with evaporation is much higher than that of heat transfer through solids. The heat pipe is filled with a certain amount of antifreeze liquid, which evaporates at 25°C as a result of temperature rise.

In order to meet individual customer needs, it is possible to create a solar set based on 15 or 20 pipe collectors in any configuration.

HEVELIUS SCM-15 58/1800
HEVELIUS SCM-20 58/1800



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